acute fellow 意味

  • かみそりのように鋭い男


        a fellow:    a fellow 輩 やから
        fellow:     fellow n. 仲間, 同志; 男, やつ; 人; 同輩; (一対のものの)片方; 大学の特別校友. 【動詞+】 surpass all one's fellows すべての朋輩をしのぐ. 【+動詞】 What can a fellow do ? ぼくに何ができよう What else could I have done? A fellow has
        this fellow:    this fellow 此奴 こいつ こやつ
        acute:     acute adj. 鋭い. 【副詞】 have keenly acute hearing 明敏な鋭い聴覚をもつ make a remarkably acute observation about… …について驚くほど鋭い所見を述べる. 【+前置詞】 He was very acute in his criticisms of the book. そ
        acute...:    acute... 鋭形[医生]; 急性[医生]
        able fellow:    腕利きの男
        aggressive fellow:    鼻っぱしらの強い男
        agreeable fellow:    agreeable fellow 快男子 かいだんし
        amusing fellow:    面白{おもしろ}い男
        annoying fellow:    厄介なやつ
        artful fellow:    狡猾なやつ
        as as the next fellow:     as as the next fellow ((略式))だれにも劣らず…(=as ... as anybody) She is as sentimental as the ~ fellow. 彼女はだれよりも涙もろい. (Fas ?D?D?D as the néxt féllow ?mmán?C pérson?C wóman?n
        bad fellow:    bad fellow 悪者 わるもの
        base fellow:    卑劣なやつ
        best fellow:    ボーイフレンド、恋人{こいびと}


  1. "acute febrile anemia" 意味
  2. "acute febrile disease" 意味
  3. "acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome" 意味
  4. "acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome" 意味
  5. "acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis" 意味
  6. "acute follicular conjunctivitis" 意味
  7. "acute form" 意味
  8. "acute fulminating meningococcal septicemia" 意味
  9. "acute fulminating type" 意味
  10. "acute febrile mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome" 意味
  11. "acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis" 意味
  12. "acute follicular conjunctivitis" 意味
  13. "acute form" 意味

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