acute fellow 意味
a fellow: a fellow 輩 やから
fellow: fellow n. 仲間, 同志; 男, やつ; 人; 同輩; (一対のものの)片方; 大学の特別校友. 【動詞+】 surpass all one's fellows すべての朋輩をしのぐ. 【+動詞】 What can a fellow do ? ぼくに何ができよう What else could I have done? A fellow has
this fellow: this fellow 此奴 こいつ こやつ
acute: acute adj. 鋭い. 【副詞】 have keenly acute hearing 明敏な鋭い聴覚をもつ make a remarkably acute observation about… …について驚くほど鋭い所見を述べる. 【+前置詞】 He was very acute in his criticisms of the book. そ
acute...: acute... 鋭形[医生]; 急性[医生]
able fellow: 腕利きの男
aggressive fellow: 鼻っぱしらの強い男
agreeable fellow: agreeable fellow 快男子 かいだんし
amusing fellow: 面白{おもしろ}い男
annoying fellow: 厄介なやつ
artful fellow: 狡猾なやつ
as as the next fellow: as as the next fellow ((略式))だれにも劣らず…(=as ... as anybody) She is as sentimental as the ~ fellow. 彼女はだれよりも涙もろい. (Fas ?D?D?D as the néxt féllow ?mmán?C pérson?C wóman?n
bad fellow: bad fellow 悪者 わるもの
base fellow: 卑劣なやつ
best fellow: ボーイフレンド、恋人{こいびと}